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Was Captain Tsubasa (Oliver y Benji) the most boring cartoon ever?

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Just in case you can’t remember, watch this.

This really was a boring cartoon that I absolutely hated. You just find yourself saying “Get on with it” a million times. And I can’t believe people actually like watching players who sometimes take 5 minutes to run from one side of the field to the other. Did anyone actually used to watch this? Did anyone actually enjoy it?

Fortunately in the UK we also had The Hurricanes, where the time between each shot was actually shorter than the Cricket World Cup (cultural reference for Spanish readers: el tiempo entre cada tiro era inferior al de un bloque de anuncios del Peliculón de Antena 3; cultural reference for Catalan readers: el temps entre cada xut era inferior al d’un discurs de Joaquím Nadal; cultural reference for French readers: le temps entre chaque tir était inférieur à celui d’une étape de la Tour de France).

In case anyone missed out on The Hurricanes, here’s a clip online dubbed into Portuguese. Fast forward to 1:30 and you’ll see that the match action was so much more exciting.


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