These Autohotkey scripts allow MemoQ users to switch between the Confirmed, Reviewed and Proofread user statuses using the keyboard. The shortcuts are shift-ctrl-z, shift-ctrl-x and shift-ctrl-c. Users of keyboards that don’t have the z, x and c next to each other may wish to change the shortcuts in the code.
; Set "Confirmed"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
setkeydelay, 20
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, c
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100
; Set "Reviewer"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
;from Translations pane
setkeydelay, 10
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, r
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100
; Set "Proofreader"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
;from Translations pane
setkeydelay, 10
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, p
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100