Anglo Premier Professional Translation Services

(438) 794-1093


Anglo Premier Translations

Anglo Premier Translations is a service provided by Timothy Barton, who offers English-language translation and editing services to businesses, charities, organizations, sports clubs and higher-education institutions throughout Canada. Please browse the website for more information about my services.

Catering for a bilingual country

If you are based in Montreal or anywhere else in Quebec, then the main language of your company or organization is probably French. It may be tempting to create your English-speaking material in-house, but this is a risky strategy that could damage your reputation. Why take the risk when you can entrust your translations to a professional translator who will understand the nuances of your French text and render them in flawless English?

If you are based elsewhere in Canada, it may be tempting to have your French documents translated by somebody who took French at school, but this is also a risky strategy. As a professional translator with over a decade of experience, I understand the nuances of the French language and can render them properly in English.

In every project assigned to him, Timothy showed extensive technical knowledge, great professionalism, dedication and the flexibility to adapt to changing deadlines and document versions. His eye for detail was reflected in the pertinent comments and questions he sent us before submitting the translation.

Washington DC, United States of America