I’ve corrected some of the bookmarklets I made available on my main website. All the bookmarklets now lead to the correct site, and the Oxford English Dictionary one now works with all words. There is also a link to a site explaining how to disable speed dial in Firefox, since the bookmarklets don’t work if you are on the speed dial page.
Monthly Archives: January 2014
Welcome / Bienvenue / Benvinguts / Bienvenidos For information about my translation services, please visit the main site. Pour des informations sur mes services, merci de regarder le site principal.Para información sobre mis servicios de traducción, visite el web principal.
AHK scripts to change status in MemoQ
These Autohotkey scripts allow MemoQ users to switch between the Confirmed, Reviewed and Proofread user statuses using the keyboard. The shortcuts are shift-ctrl-z, shift-ctrl-x and shift-ctrl-c. Users of keyboards that don’t have the z, x and c next to each other may wish to change the shortcuts in the code.
; Set "Confirmed"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
setkeydelay, 20
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, c
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100
; Set "Reviewer"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
;from Translations pane
setkeydelay, 10
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, r
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100
; Set "Proofreader"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#IfWinActive, memoQ
;from Translations pane
setkeydelay, 10
send, !v{down 6}
sleep 100
send {Enter}
sleep 100
send, +{TAB 6}
send, p
;return to document
send +^{tab}
sleep 100